Treating a common cold is usually best done by rest, fluids, and staying warm, but for a more holistic approach, there are a number of vitamins, supplements, foods, and natural treatments that can help. Vitamin C is essential to fighting colds, and it can be taken as a pill, or naturally found in citrus fruits, peppers, and broccoli. Zinc and elderberry are also recommended, as they can both reduce the severity and shortening of the illness. Eating certain foods, such as garlic, spirulina, and ginger can also help to boost the immune system to fight off the virus. And finally, several natural treatments can help, such as gargling salt water, inhaling eucalyptus vapour, and drinking peppermint, ginger, or hot lemon with honey tea.
It is always advised to consult a doctor when seeking treatment for a cold, as some medications may interact with vitamins and supplements, as well as herbal treatments. Additionally, getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated — by drinking lots of fluids — can help to reduce the symptoms and duration of the common cold.